Monday 13 July 2015

When Life Answer

Things got changed, but not seen. Way of living got advanced, but not lived. People come and go in life playing and presenting individual roles. Some are awesome and make us feel wonderful while some aren’t, yet more to meet. Life is sad, because things aren’t moving on the track but to the ones who have everything they desire, life’s fantastic.

Life is like playing archery, many aims to hit the bulls eyes, unlike all only few succeed, some give up, some blame the field range and some keep on trying. In life, we have many things to get done; in spite of trying hard and working cautiously things are still left undone. To define easiness, it’s sometimes where we have to initiate from intricacies. Tune with delicacies; freeze with complexities and deriving the life’s equation becomes valueless. However, to simulate the frequency of rhythm and to sing songs of life enriches the meaning of being in the world.

In-fact, they say life ain’t fair, yes it is and one must agree. Life is cool until you face the torrential phase, it is a heavenly place until you entered the hell gate and it’s beautiful when you ignore to see ugliness but life, it comes in package.

He sometimes wonders why it is like that.

He opens his diary every evening. His pen genuinely dances, to write her. He felt it, felt the pressure of pain when it digs. He took it as the pleasure. He wrote notes dedicating to her, pushing much on, making it shall happen someday. He knew story won’t be like what he thought, but his hopes lived. He sailed ahead with no destination and moved with no proper route. Time, made his thoughts wrap in a strong sanguine.

In spite of being insipid wine to her lips, she ignored to hurt him. Unlike him, she was little conservative and cognitive. She lived in her minutes, but he lived in her seconds. She employed her smile under his feelings. He lived in those memories.

The worst thing of life is when you are sure and it suddenly turns out to be uncertain. It just needs a strike, to blow off completely. Preparing seems like just building to destroy. You build it so nicely, and you felt so attached with it but when it departs its pains you.

Indeed you fell in love eventually and again you learn it you aren’t to be. Philophobia!!!

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