Friday 24 July 2015


January 2008! Winter breeze tosses my jackets collar and softly slams my ears. Tightening my skin frame and clogging blood passage through veins. It was curving my fingers like leafless deciduous tree and my hairs like spikes of fork. Everyone in my house was making warm and comfortable near heater while I was dialing number to call Zangpola.

I couldn’t connect him, so I texted him asking about results. Shortly my phone beeped, “dude I am not qualified for higher studies, study well brother and I will be missing your company” he replied. ‘Without Zangpola life is boring’ instantly his dialogue flashed and picked up my cell.

Hi, Zangpola! Are you sure about the results that you didn’t qualify?
‘Hi, yap bro! I knew and was sure about that because my exams were horrible’
Why don’t you apply for recheck?
‘It would be useless and just wastage of money, thought of joining as a NFE instructor in my village and moreover my mom is very old, she needs an attention too’
I know dude your mom is too old, but I think it would better you continue your studies. Dude you got lots of relatives to look after your mom.    
‘Umm yap its true brother, but feeling ashamed of brothers and sisters they have been helping me a lot. By the way you study well and give my regards to Pembalas and all!’
Ok then brother, I will miss you and I will let all group friends know about you. Bye will see you dude.
I hung up call and joined family for breakfast.

“This is Mr. Zangpo. Though it is unfortunate for him that he couldn’t continue for his higher studies but we are lucky to have him in our family as NFE instructor and he will be teaching music and coaching games and sports too. So once again let’s all of us cordially welcome Zangpo to our school and wish him a happy stay with us.” Principal introduced him to students and teachers in morning assembly the day he joined.

He used to call me, and I still remember asking him for recharge voucher most of the times. It was sometimes in December; I met him and visited his school. His small hamlet school was full of harmony and peace.

2009! It was a New Year, new students and new teachers. Euchung Lhamo was one of them. She was a New English teacher.

Autumn picked up! Season for farmers to harvest their cash crops and it was season of love for Zangpola. Where he was madly and deeply in love with Euchung (he never told us when he was in relationship). “Sweetheart, I’ll C U in library B4 Assembly. Be on time baby” every morning Euchung used to text Zangpola. They meet in library, talk awhile hug and kiss for starting a day. Euchung was one who has added tremendous elixir on Zangpolas life. She gave him wings of hope, inspire to soar high. He was completely engulfed in her love; he could just give her enormous feelings of his love.

It was pouring down heavily, nailing drops on Zangpolas CGI rooftop. Summer (Midterm break of academic year 2010 ) again, he tried to call Euchung but network denied him. After awhile he discovered phone was switched off. Heavily loaded heart has beaten faster than a normal rate.
Next day, early morning he waited for text. There was neither a message nor Euchung Lhamos sign of return from break. The intense thud inside and day became gloomy.

“He is my husband Zangpo” said Euchung. Hi and hello, murmured. It was a worst introduction he ever did. He couldn’t do anything. He was just a class X pass out simple boy, who is compare less to son of contractor and English madam.
There after he started drinking and smoking. His punctuality and honesty has faded. Interest of teaching lost and finally he got fired.

Standardization of equality defines here. Scale of false unity he assumed. His dreams got shattered. Presuming initial formulae of goodness answers the worst. Best thing is you give your best and expect the worst.

Zangpola is loyal friend and simple legendary man I will ever meet. He is currently a final year student of Sherubtse college undergoing bachelors in BA English dzongkha.

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