Friday 3 April 2015

NIT, Allahabad

When the birds chirp early dawn in the spring, the fallen leaves rustles making the beautiful combination of waves of sound and the sun rays passes through the torn piece of my window curtains, vibration of morning alarm let me stipulate the nerves and make my way to washroom. With hopes and dream I walk down the old road which always conducts heat to my foot and that’s the reason I don’t like summer. As it passes things become natural and seasons draw automatically.

In summer making comfortable on the three legged chair and uneven table beneath the old wrecked fan rotating making sound like the old frog crying whole night have moved four years. Not knowing what basic engineer needs to do and find. Lots of formulae, definition, rules, theory, philosophies and all forgets when semester turns the next page and just being focused what should I write in the examination for the score. When life ask for the main theme I will remember the time when sun touches the horizon and friends calling for soccer we play always on the lawn ground, stony field and concrete pitch where we always find ball kiss legs.

I loved walking back to hostel after long day tour around the world under imagination with all great scientist theories and proposal they made for developing this globe. Sometimes I remember high school days back in my country, life in college in different nation seems under the hasty and dusty land.

12 science ‘A’, Jigme sherubling high secondary school was parent school when I used to be stupid, careless and not too deterministic I want to talk to him and tell him how life is and how hard it is, all left with is just this old man all with hollow mind and that is what I have seen and witnessed with this life till now.

Man go to bed with the dreams and he dint like when he wake up with reality.I go to bed with you and wake up with me!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Her Warm Hands

Some decades ago, some where in the midst of oak land and pine covered hill, locate my small hamlet called Tsebar-Shinangri.

Open my eyes; saw her with loaded smile and beautiful gesture, she was the first woman to welcome me on the earth. helped me to win this war, taught me to fight this battle and showed me a route to victory chambers. she always used to tell me that "grass isn't greener at other side of bank, its always green where you water it". I learned to wake up early, and put things in order and make world beautiful because of just her. She trained me how to laugh when things are painful, showed me how to get up when i used to fall down frequently. Thus she prepared me for this life what we call it as journey of battle to death.
Yesterday she called me and told me my dear! hope everything is going good and fixed on the track that should go and follow, i said yes, all is set and perfect till now. though she got lots of file piled got undone, she finds her time to manipulate my readings of day and life. 
These series of presentation of journey, that have been sailing from a long way, yet i got some miles to go before i go to bed. Yes she was right, she always tell me not to play with stones and gravels, so learned playing with hard things make people hurt too much.

she always find me very smart and talented, she always praise me telling i am better than everyone, saying i am the best in the world. help me to celebrate my victory and make me always happy. years passed time rushed and things got apart and we got separate miles away.

She used to tell me always my dear son, i know everything, though we are far away! mom is always with you inside your heart every time warn me to take care of his son. Thank you mom, love you so much!