Tuesday 23 May 2017

Morning Apple- I

Vibrations, was vibrating a whole mass of my bed. Buzzing sound was beating my ear drum frequently. Ops my dear alarm. I reached my self to off the alarm, instead my phone galloped between my fingers. It displayed 5:00 AM, just three hours passed i have been sleeping. 

Sun may be crescent above the horizon far away, birds are singing and chirping. summer breeze are gentle, flapping my jackets twinkling with the zipper as if a jingle bell. Roads are wide and decent, left with traillings of tyre prints. Atmosphere, shut in pindrop silent like universe is listening to my dancing walking footsteps.

Kilometer stones are left, yet not noticing a distance i travelled. Earphones closely plugged in, musics telling me lot of stories. My eyes are too close listening and lost between the stories mother nature narrate. Shadowed in the shavy shed of oaks, when leaves rustle with the flaps of prayer flags. In a far distance i hear a doe barking, may have lost something she loved. The ripple sound of morning dew, draining down the long blades of grass entangled the shining sun. 
Sorry, tears were univitable impinge was loud bomb. Aligning a sense in heavy rack. storming my eyes, riveting a heavy heart and drool feelings.

Far away in a distance, i noticed not mannerly hung sign boards. I knew i came so long from my house. The town was dead, few dogs lazily yawning and opening their jaw. stretching thier heavy legs to initaite a one long day tour. For lazy town occupants, whirling morning fresh air has to cyclone all the dusty and bumpty street roads. I bowed within sayining good-morning & hi LA.

U- turning back to home. i felt all imbibe in water, filled with sweats. slow walk back, musics seems so lazy and heavy. legs trying to crumbled up. heads are getting heavy, trying to get in wrong place. i knew i am exhuasted. 
far behind me i heard engine roaring, suddenly a stylish prado swiftly flew off a inch beside me. i felt like someone pushed me a bit. careless driving i murmered, as if she heard i said. black gogs lady looked back and happily showed me a middle finger. trying to pullout her finger so long.

                                                       - to be continued.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Summer '17

It splashes and nails in the rhythm over my window pane. 
I hear heavy rustling of leaves and deep gurgling of sky.
 It started again, again down pouring. 
My valley, pristinely covered in petals of flowers.
Magically painted in light green- yellowish chewy leaves of oak. 
Farmers started sowing and whistling to their Bulls. 
I hear my beloved singing me sad tune. 
It's summer again, season of rain. 

When leaches and beetle wrestle, I keep my cup of ara on the stone watching them. 
While a friend plays me flute of sad tune, I keep my tears rolling down. 
These wheel of samsara, I recollect you summer of 2016.

It's 21, May may take me old. 
I step out and in listening into you. 
Waiting for the love stories you write when heavy down pour beats. 
I know, you have torrential tackles and soothing move too. 
My dear summer, please bring some rain adorn in flower. 
That will feel everyone a lovely touch. 

Dear summer, you are not so far. Bring me beautiful stories. 
Some sentimental music and guiter will make me cry. 
Thus, wanna cry when you rain on me. 
Summer 2017!